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No New Posts River

The River, or the stream from where the water of the lake enters. The river runs extremely quickly and can easily carry a weak swimmer away with a roaring yowl. From this river branchs off two other small streams that are the Twin Rivers. And of course, it also enters into the lake. You need to cross this to get into RiverClan camp, which makes raids a little bit delayed. As well as a good reinforced protection, it also serves as a good fishing point. The river does run a little quickly, but every RiverClan cat is up for the challenge.

Moderators: [White n' Nerdeh], Shadestar

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No New Posts Twoleg Bridge

The Twoleg Bridge, as it suggests, is a large arch that goes over the river. It is like a Thunderpath, but smaller and less monsters roar over it. The thing is made from bricks and hard cement, not easy to climb up. When there are no monsters or twolegs in sight, some RiverClan cats like to sit up on the bridge and peer into the sky, or over at the rushing rapids below. Be careful though, if you fall off that'll most likely be the end of you. Also, cats can fish beneath the bridge, sheltered and unseen.

Moderators: [White n' Nerdeh], Shadestar

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No New Posts Greenleaf Twolegplace

The Greenleaf Twoleg place is as followed. It's a place that is connected to one of the smaller and more secluded Thunderpaths. It is a huge wooden platform. There are usually water-monsters docked at the Halfbridge that sticks out over the lake. The Twolegs like to ride in these water-monsters over the lake, which unfortunately makes the water all wavy and violent. Also, screaming Twoleg kits like to jump off the Halfbridge and go flying into the water. Crazy. This is the source of the odd objects found by RiverClan cats, things left behind by the forgetful twolegs.

Moderators: [White n' Nerdeh], Shadestar

6 6 Hiding Smokers
by f9d5e8
Mar 13, 2009 21:06:25 GMT -5
No New Posts Horseplace

The Horseplace of RiverClan, not really needed in the territory. It is a large twoleg-made structure that looks like the farms loners live in. It has an enclosure with a strong wooden fence. Horses roam around this close pen, but are also given space to walk a bit outside of that. RiverClanners are best off sticking to being behind the fences, don't want to be trampled. And, like all other barns, this is an excellent source of mice, even though the place reaks of twolegs, kittypets and horses.

Moderators: [White n' Nerdeh], Shadestar

6 6 Nude Tan
by df2s65e
Mar 13, 2009 21:06:35 GMT -5
No New Posts The Falls

The Falls is a huge, tall waterfall. The water from the lake washes right over the edge and down down below to where the Horseplace is. The crashing water at the base of the smaller pool below it is not a safe place to go at all. Actually, the whole place is extremely dangerous. If a cat were to fall over the edge of this watery-cliff, that would be the end. Though, some daring (and mousebrained) cats like to try and hop the slippery rocks that jut out of the waterfall.

Moderators: [White n' Nerdeh], Shadestar

7 8 Aunt Karens Moral
by df2s65e
Mar 13, 2009 21:08:19 GMT -5

Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
RiverClan's territory stretches quite far indeed. It is probably the bigges of all the territories. Starting from the Greenleaf Twolegplace that borders them with ShadowClan, past the Horseplace to the Broken Halfbridge. There aren't as many trees as there are in ThunderClan and ShadowClan, but there are enough to provide good shade and scenery. The territory helps reinforce the protection of the camp, seeing as you'd have to run through several fields, avoid trees and get over the streams somehow. Or, if your from ShadowClan or WindClan, you'll have even farther to navigate.
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