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No New Posts Forest

ShadowClan's forest is a thick one, with tall tall pines above. The pines branchs are a lot taller then what was in the old ShadowClan territory back in the old forest, but ShadowClan are adapting to it. The floor of the forest has less undergrowth then what ShadowClan would have wanted, but it's good and shadowy enough.

Moderators: [White n' Nerdeh], Shadestar, Redfang

by snnp
Sept 1, 2008 22:04:05 GMT -5
No New Posts Swamp

The Swamp is only on a small portion of ShadowClan land. It is a thick, muddy swamp in a clearing in the forest. It's water is goupy and brownish-green. Not too pleasent. But, it is a good hunting ground, and herbs can be found easily here. Plus, ShadowClanners are experts at navigating through here.

Moderators: [White n' Nerdeh], Shadestar, Redfang

2 8 Sometimes [open]
Aug 1, 2007 14:15:37 GMT -5
No New Posts Twoleg Nest

The Twoleg Nest is a large cabin in a clearing in ShadowClan's forest. It's quite irritating to have in their territory, because of the twolegs and kittypets. They have a particularly nasty bunch of kittypets in this nest, so keep your nose out of this neck of the woods or you might just become kittypet food.

Moderators: [White n' Nerdeh], Shadestar, Redfang

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No New Posts Greenleaf Twolegplace

ShadowClan happens to have part of the Greenleaf Twolegplace on their territory, much to their dismay. This is what borders them from RiverClan. They put up small debs abd build terrifying little fires here. Also, twoleg kits like to jump off the halfbridge there and screech loudly. But, on the plus side, twolegs sometimes leave behind carrion like ShadowClan used to find in their old home at the Carrionplace.

Moderators: [White n' Nerdeh], Shadestar, Redfang

1 3 Pitter Patter on the Ground.
by l†‡Blaze‡†l
Jul 14, 2007 18:15:53 GMT -5
No New Posts Twoleg Path

The Twoleg Path, it's not a Thunderpath. There is no loud thundering noise, no monsters and no big grey path. It's just a firt path that twolegs like to walk on, so that they can get to the lake or the Greenleaf Twolegplace. It isn't really dangerous as long as you stay away from the twolegs and rattle snakes.

Moderators: [White n' Nerdeh], Shadestar, Redfang

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Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
ShadowClan's territory is fairly large, and well protected. It is a small swampy pine forest with less undergrowth then in their old home. The twolegs are a lot closer and they are surrounded by Twoleg paths. ShadowClan cats hunt in the shadows of this thick forest, unseen and unheard. They are very protective of land and like to see how much they can take from ThunderClan.
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